Shifting gear

Moving away from victim to s/hero mode, turns out is not complicated.

We simply need to change the questions that we ask ourselves.
Victims ask:
  • Why me?
  • Why is this happening?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Why does this need to happen?
  • Why am I like this?
  • Why is he/she/they like that? (Good luck trying to figure that one out!!)
(all the time we are asking this question, we are blaming of course. God, ourselves or others).

What do s/heroes ask instead?
They ask: Now what needs to be done? They plant themselves firmly in the zone of action.
The question immediately changes the focus from problem to solution.
Or to put it another way, we can ask: What’s Important Now = W.I.N
Try going for the W.I.N next time you notice yourself complaining.
Ask W.I.N for small things and big problems.
Go for the #WIN and become a s/hero.

50% Complete

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